Utilization Trend Card

Utilization Trend Card

Utilization cards display the current utilization and a trend of a single metric. The most common use case for this pattern is seen in a dashboard.

Jump to Card with a Single Metric or Card with Multiple Metrics

Card with a Single Metric

Card with a Single Metric

Card with Multiple Metrics

Card with Multiple Metrics

Utilization Trend Card

Card with a Single Metric

Single Metric Card

  1. Metric Title: Display the metric name.

  2. Current Value: Display the current value. This could be available, which is the PatternFly default, or used.

  3. Label: The label for the value is left aligned and listed above the total value.

  4. Total Value: The total value is left aligned and listed under the label.

  5. Unit of Measurement: The label for unit of measurement is shown after the total value.

  6. Content Separator: A horizontal line visually separates the content in the card. The content separator is located below the values and above the donut chart.

  7. Donut Chart: See the Donut Chart Pattern for more details.

  8. Sparkline: See the Sparkline Pattern for more details.

  9. Time Frame (optional): The time frame is indicated under the sparkline by small text and is left aligned.

Card with Multiple Metrics

Multiple Metrics Card

  1. Card Title: Use a card title if multiple metrics are shown in one card.

  2. Title Separator: Include a horizontal line under the card title.

  3. Metric Title: Display the metric name.

  4. Current Value: Display the current value. This could be the amount available (PatternFly default) or the amount used.

  5. Label: The label for the value is left aligned and listed above the total value.

  6. Total Value: The total value is left aligned and listed under the label.

  7. Unit of Measurement: The label for unit of measurement is shown after the total value.

  8. Content Separator: A horizontal line visually separates the content in the card. The content separator is located below the values and above the donut chart.

  9. Donut Chart: See the Donut Chart Pattern for more details.

  10. Sparkline: See the Sparkline Pattern for more details.

  11. Time Frame (optional): The time frame is indicated under the sparkline by small text and is left aligned.

PatternFly Core Example

Jump to Card with a Single Metric or Card with Multiple Metrics

Card with a Single Metric


200 Available of 1300 Gbps

Reference Markup

    <script src="components/c3/c3.min.js"></script>
    <script src="components/d3/d3.min.js"></script>
    <body class="cards-pf">
      <div class="container-fluid container-cards-pf">
        <div class="row row-cards-pf">
          <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-4">
            <div class="card-pf card-pf-utilization">
  <h2 class="card-pf-title">
  <div class="card-pf-body">
    <p class="card-pf-utilization-details">
      <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-count">200</span>
        <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-description">
          <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-line-1">Available</span>
          <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-line-2">of 1300 Gbps</span>
    <div id="chart-pf-donut-5"></div>
    <div class="chart-pf-sparkline" id=""></div>
      var c3ChartDefaults = $().c3ChartDefaults();

      var donutConfig = c3ChartDefaults.getDefaultDonutConfig('A');
      donutConfig.bindto = '#chart-pf-donut-5';
      donutConfig.color =  {
        pattern: ["#EC7A08","#D1D1D1"]
      donutConfig.data = {
        type: "donut",
        columns: [
          ["Used", 85],
          ["Available", 15]
        groups: [
          ["used", "available"]
        order: null
      donutConfig.tooltip = {
        contents: function (d) {
          return '<span class="donut-tooltip-pf" style="white-space: nowrap;">' +
                  Math.round(d[0].ratio * 100) + '%' + ' Gbps ' + d[0].name +

      var chart1 = c3.generate(donutConfig);
      var donutChartTitle = d3.select("#chart-pf-donut-5").select('text.c3-chart-arcs-title');
      donutChartTitle.insert('tspan').text("1100").classed('donut-title-big-pf', true).attr('y', 0).attr('x', 0);
      donutChartTitle.insert('tspan').text("Gbps Used").classed('donut-title-small-pf', true).attr('y', 20).attr('x', 0);

      var sparklineConfig = c3ChartDefaults.getDefaultSparklineConfig();
      sparklineConfig.bindto = '#';
      sparklineConfig.data = {
        columns: [
          ['%', 60, 55, 70, 44, 31, 67, 54, 46, 58, 75, 62, 68, 69, 88, 74, 88, 85],
        type: 'area'

      var chart2 = c3.generate(sparklineConfig);

        </div><!-- /row -->
      </div><!-- /container -->

Card with Multiple Metrics

Last 30 days



50 Available of 1000 MHz


256 Available of 432 GB


200 Available of 1300 Gbps

Reference Markup

    <script src="components/c3/c3.min.js"></script>
    <script src="components/d3/d3.min.js"></script>

    <body class="cards-pf">
      <div class="container-fluid container-cards-pf">
        <div class="row row-cards-pf">
          <div class="col-xs-12">
            <div class="card-pf card-pf-utilization">
  <div class="card-pf-heading">
    <p class="card-pf-heading-details">Last 30 days</p>
    <h2 class="card-pf-title">
  <div class="card-pf-body">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-4">
        <h3 class="card-pf-subtitle">CPU</h3>
        <p class="card-pf-utilization-details">
          <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-count">50</span>
            <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-description">
              <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-line-1">Available</span>
              <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-line-2">of 1000 MHz</span>
        <div id="chart-pf-donut-6"></div>
        <div class="chart-pf-sparkline" id="chart-pf-sparkline-6"></div>
          var donutConfig = $().c3ChartDefaults().getDefaultDonutConfig('A');
          donutConfig.bindto = '#chart-pf-donut-6';
          donutConfig.color =  {
            pattern: ["#cc0000","#D1D1D1"]
          donutConfig.data = {
            type: "donut",
            columns: [
              ["Used", 95],
              ["Available", 5]
            groups: [
              ["used", "available"]
            order: null
          donutConfig.tooltip = {
            contents: function (d) {
              return '<span class="donut-tooltip-pf" style="white-space: nowrap;">' +
                      Math.round(d[0].ratio * 100) + '%' + ' MHz ' + d[0].name +

          var chart1 = c3.generate(donutConfig);
          var donutChartTitle = d3.select("#chart-pf-donut-6").select('text.c3-chart-arcs-title');
          donutChartTitle.insert('tspan').text("950").classed('donut-title-big-pf', true).attr('y', 0).attr('x', 0);
          donutChartTitle.insert('tspan').text("MHz Used").classed('donut-title-small-pf', true).attr('y', 20).attr('x', 0);

          var sparklineConfig = $().c3ChartDefaults().getDefaultSparklineConfig();
          sparklineConfig.bindto = '#chart-pf-sparkline-6';
          sparklineConfig.data = {
            columns: [
              ['%', 10, 50, 28, 20, 31, 27, 60, 36, 52, 55, 62, 68, 69, 88, 74, 88, 95],
            type: 'area'
          var chart2 = c3.generate(sparklineConfig);
      <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-4">
        <h3 class="card-pf-subtitle">Memory</h3>
        <p class="card-pf-utilization-details">
          <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-count">256</span>
            <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-description">
              <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-line-1">Available</span>
              <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-line-2">of 432 GB</span>
        <div id="chart-pf-donut-7"></div>
        <div class="chart-pf-sparkline" id="chart-pf-sparkline-7"></div>
          var donutConfig = $().c3ChartDefaults().getDefaultDonutConfig('A');
          donutConfig.bindto = '#chart-pf-donut-7';
          donutConfig.color =  {
            pattern: ["#3f9c35","#D1D1D1"]
          donutConfig.data = {
            type: "donut",
            columns: [
              ["Used", 41],
              ["Available", 59]
            groups: [
              ["used", "available"]
            order: null
          donutConfig.tooltip = {
            contents: function (d) {
              return '<span class="donut-tooltip-pf" style="white-space: nowrap;">' +
                      Math.round(d[0].ratio * 100) + '%' + ' GB ' + d[0].name +

          var chart3 = c3.generate(donutConfig);
          var donutChartTitle = d3.select("#chart-pf-donut-7").select('text.c3-chart-arcs-title');
          donutChartTitle.insert('tspan').text("176").classed('donut-title-big-pf', true).attr('y', 0).attr('x', 0);
          donutChartTitle.insert('tspan').text("GB Used").classed('donut-title-small-pf', true).attr('y', 20).attr('x', 0);

          var sparklineConfig = $().c3ChartDefaults().getDefaultSparklineConfig();
          sparklineConfig.bindto = '#chart-pf-sparkline-7';
          sparklineConfig.data = {
            columns: [
              ['%', 35, 36, 20, 30, 31, 22, 44, 36, 40, 41, 55, 52, 48, 48, 50, 40, 41],
            type: 'area'
          var chart4 = c3.generate(sparklineConfig);
      <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-4">
        <h3 class="card-pf-subtitle">Network</h3>
        <p class="card-pf-utilization-details">
          <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-count">200</span>
            <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-description">
              <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-line-1">Available</span>
              <span class="card-pf-utilization-card-details-line-2">of 1300 Gbps</span>
        <div id="chart-pf-donut-8"></div>
        <div class="chart-pf-sparkline" id="chart-pf-sparkline-8"></div>
          var donutConfig = $().c3ChartDefaults().getDefaultDonutConfig('A');
          donutConfig.bindto = '#chart-pf-donut-8';
          donutConfig.color =  {
            pattern: ["#EC7A08","#D1D1D1"]
          donutConfig.data = {
            type: "donut",
            columns: [
              ["Used", 85],
              ["Available", 15]
            groups: [
              ["used", "available"]
            order: null
          donutConfig.tooltip = {
            contents: function (d) {
              return '<span class="donut-tooltip-pf" style="white-space: nowrap;">' +
                      Math.round(d[0].ratio * 100) + '%' + ' Gbps ' + d[0].name +

          var chart5 = c3.generate(donutConfig);
          var donutChartTitle = d3.select("#chart-pf-donut-8").select('text.c3-chart-arcs-title');
          donutChartTitle.insert('tspan').text("1100").classed('donut-title-big-pf', true).attr('y', 0).attr('x', 0);
          donutChartTitle.insert('tspan').text("Gbps Used").classed('donut-title-small-pf', true).attr('y', 20).attr('x', 0);

          var sparklineConfig = $().c3ChartDefaults().getDefaultSparklineConfig();
          sparklineConfig.bindto = '#chart-pf-sparkline-8';
          sparklineConfig.data = {
            columns: [
              ['%', 60, 55, 70, 44, 31, 67, 54, 46, 58, 75, 62, 68, 69, 88, 74, 88, 85],
            type: 'area'
          var chart6 = c3.generate(sparklineConfig);

        </div><!-- /row -->
      </div><!-- /container -->